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Muslim baby boy names

Below are the results for Muslim baby boy names. Advanced search
All Muslim Baby Names | Muslim Boy Names | Muslim Girl Names
Name Gender Origin/Nationality Name Meaning
Abdul Muntaqim Boy Muslim, Arabic Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
Abdul Muqaddim Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Expediter
Abdul Muqeet Boy Muslim, Arabic Slave of the Sustainer
Abdul Muqsit Boy Muslim, Arabic Slave of the Just
Abdul Muqtadir Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Powerful
Abdul Musawwir Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Fashioner
Abdul Mutaal Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Most High
Abdul Muti Boy Muslim, Arabic Slave of the Giver
Abdul Muzanni Boy Muslim, Arabic He was a narrator of Hadith
Abdul Nafi Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Benefactor
Abdul Naseer Boy Muslim, Arabic Slave of the Helper
Abdul Nasir Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Helper, Protector
Abdul Nasser Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Victorious One
Abdul Noor Boy Muslim, Arabic Slave of the one who is Light
Abdul Nur Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Light
Abdul Qaadir Boy Muslim, Arabic Servant of the Capable

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